2024 Elections

Important Dates

July 15 — Nominations open

August 1 — Nominations close

August 19 — Eligible members receive ballot

August 28 — Elections close

September 3 — Results announced

September 15 — New board meets at CAMP

Serving on the JAWS Board of Directors is one of the most meaningful contributions members can make!

Thank you to these candidates who have volunteered to run for the 2024 - 2025 board.

Officer Candidates

Running for president-elect

Tanya Gazdik

Tanya Gazdik, president-elect candidate

I am seeking the position of president-elect of JAWS because I want to make sure that it not only survives, but thrives.

I care deeply about JAWS. I have since my first exposure to its members, which was at CAMP in 2013. I had just resigned my full-time job at a medium-sized daily newspaper to spend more time caring for my mother, who had just entered hospice. I signed up for CAMP hoping to network as I resumed my freelance career. I not only made connections, but also made dear friends who remain so to this day. I found support and understanding among like-minded (and strong-minded!) women. I felt at home. I signed up for a lifetime membership soon after.

A nonprofit like JAWS depends on the dedication of its non-compensated board. I previously served as a general board member and as secretary. I would be honored to return to the board as president-elect. I would be happy to support Angela during her last year as president as we work together with the rest of the board to determine the future of JAWS.

JAWS is at a turning point. Like all professional journalism organizations, financing continues to be a struggle. Ensuring that we remain viable and relevant to both longtime, new and prospective members of all ages is our most pressing mandate. Finding a way to continue to provide an annual national CAMP is critical. I volunteered to chair CAMP last year — our first urban CAMP in Chicago — because I felt so strongly that CAMP needed to survive despite operating at a loss in recent years. Due to donated space, generous sponsorships and low overhead, we netted about $29,000.

This year’s CAMP is still a work in progress, but expenses will be higher. I volunteered to again work on sponsorships and to co-chair the online and onsite auctions, all of which will add to the revenue.

A little about me: A native Detroiter, I’m a full-time automotive reporter at a trade publication, MediaPost. Along with writing daily news stories, I program and run conferences at the New York and Los Angeles auto shows. I also freelance for WardsAuto and A Girl’s Guide To Cars. I’m president of the board of directors at The State News which funds Michigan State University’s independent student media organization. I’m also a longtime animal welfare advocate and volunteer.

Running for vice president

Linda Jue

Linda Jue, vice president candidate

Bio: Linda Jue is investigative editor-at-large for 100Reporters and contributing investigative editor for palabra, NAHJ’s innovative news site. She is also a reporting and writing coach for grantees of the Fund for Investigative Journalism. Previously, Linda was an associate of the Center for Investigative Reporting and an editor and associate producer at KQED-TV/San Francisco Focus magazine. She was also Northern California correspondent for C-SPAN. Her work has appeared in San Francisco Focus/KQED, Los Angeles Times Syndicate, Toronto Globe and Mail, GEO,  MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour, PBS Frontline and other outlets. Linda’s work has earned two Thomas More Storke International Journalism awards & Western Regional Magazine Association recognition for excellence in feature writing. 

As a board member, I have been charged with building and leading a more authentic organizational culture of equity and inclusion. To realize that vision, I created a long-term strategy that integrates DEI best practices into all of JAWS' activities. The JAWS board holds a firm conviction that equity and inclusion issues should be a natural part of our members' thinking at any stage of their professional development and not a matter of concern only to those dealing directly with DEI issues in their newsrooms. I presented our DEI strategy at the 2023 CAMP membership meeting, which received a very enthusiastic reception. As the board is now undergoing a critical re-evaluation of JAWS’ place in journalism over the next few years, I'm running for vice president for several reasons: a) to remain part of that evaluation process and help shepard along new possibilities for the organization, b) ensure that the DEI work done so far doesn't get lost in the shuffle, 3) contribute my experience in nonprofit leadership and management as a former associate director and executive director of two media organizations as well as board president of two journalism organizations, including the Northern California Chapter of SPJ. As president I robustly rebuilt the moribund NorCal chapter to become one of the most active of all SPJ chapters. 

Running for treasurer

Keeley Webster

I plan to tap my multiple decades as a financial journalist to serve JAWS as the treasurer. The eight years I have spent as a JAWS member – and then this past year as a director – have been meaningful to me. I have mentored someone, been mentored, and been inspired to keep up the good fight when the charges in our industry have worn me down. I received training that helped make me a successful podcaster, tips on editing, working with editors and how to nail down an investigative story from JAWs national and Los Angeles chapter workshops. I would like to help sustain and transform the organization so it can continue to serve the current members and the next generation of journalists.

For more than a decade, I have covered a nine-state western region for The Bond Buyer, a national financial publication. I moved into business reporting in 2000, but have covered politics, cops, courts, education and environmental issues for newspapers in seven different states. I have won several awards for my work, including an Associated Press award for in-depth reporting.

Keeley Webster, treasurer candidate

Running for board of director seats

Andrea Shalal

Journalism is under fire here in the United States and around the world. Our industry is changing daily, adapting to new technologies, new threats and new possibilities. It’s 2024 and we as women are still fighting for equal pay, equal opportunities and equal recognition in this country, and even in this profession. As we look forward to the Nov. 5 presidential election and whatever future lies beyond, I am convinced that the work we do has never been more important. That is why I’m running for a seat on the JAWS Board of Directors. I am committed to paying it forward, ensuring that we keep improving the diversity of our media organizations and continue fighting to defend the freedom of the press.

JAWS is a magnificent organization. The support and sisterhood I’ve experienced as part of this group are unparalleled. I’d known about JAWS for years, but only joined in 2019 when I returned to a dramatically altered United States after three years of working in Germany. I had a million questions about covering then-President Donald Trump and how to navigate what felt like a minefield to me. I knew I could find answers and help among the talented and experienced women of JAWS. My first CAMP that year exceeded my expectations, and I went home with a whole new universe of friends and colleagues.

Since then, I’ve had the pleasure of helping to work on CAMP and more recently to help lead the Washington chapter of JAWS. There’s so much more I’d like to do to build our organization, attract more young journalists and support those facing layoffs in this rapid-fire work environment. In my conversations with fellow female journalists, I’ve sensed a great hunger for both connection and a safe space for discussion and reflection as we all navigate the shifting terrain of our amazing profession.

If elected, I hope to work with the other board members to strengthen JAWS, expand its membership and secure its future. I’d be honored to earn your vote.

Andrea Shalal, director candidate

Sana Siwolop

Sana Siwolop, director candidate

Two years ago, while working online with an early-career reporter in North Carolina, I heard a familiar story: Three-person newsroom, swamped editors, too few resources to help develop a story, let alone promote it. Her story reminded me why JAWS’ mission is more vital than ever and why I’ve spent the past five years working to connect and support members. I started my career as a science reporter before going into editing and college journalism. Since mid-2023, I’ve also worked as a regional captain with a generous team of JAWS New York members to help us regroup and expand.

We’re off to a good start, but too many members, in New York and elsewhere, are still hungry for connections, professional guidance and an easy place to listen and be heard. If I’m elected to the board, I promise to support new and creative ways to do just that. 

Sylvia Snowden

Sylvia Snowden, director candidate

I am seeking your support in my quest to join the Journalism and Women Symposium (JAWS) board of directors.

I am passionate about journalism—a career that has fulfilled me for over a decade. My membership in JAWS has been equally meaningful, allowing me to connect with many of you and allowing me the honor of receiving the 2023 JAWS quilt. These experiences have given me the chance to witness the very best of what this organization offers. With that in mind, I believe the journalism industry is at a pivotal moment. Similarly, JAWS is also at a critical juncture. This is why I am seeking a seat on the JAWS board—I am confident that I have the tools, skills, and dedication to help us rise to this occasion.

For the past three years, I have served on the executive committee of the National Association of Black Journalists-Chicago Chapter. During this time, our chapter has been recognized as the National Chapter of the Year and successfully hosted the national organization’s annual convention in our city. Through these experiences, I have gained valuable insights into innovation, organization, and fundraising—skills I am eager to bring to JAWS. Additionally, my interim service on the current JAWS board has given me a deeper understanding of how the organization operates, so, if elected I will be able to hit the ground running.

I am excited about the opportunity to apply everything I’ve learned, combined with my passion for both our industry and JAWS, to help propel the organization forward and preserve its mission for the next generation of outstanding women journalists.

Patricia Sullivan

Patricia Sullivan, director candidate

Board Responsibilities

As the highest leadership body of the organization and to satisfy its fiduciary duties, the board is responsible for:

  • Determining the mission of the organization and understanding its collective purpose

  • Selecting, supporting, and evaluating the performance and compensation of the chief executive

  • Strategic and organizational planning

  • Ensuring strong fiduciary oversight and financial management

  • Fundraising and resource development

  • Approving and monitoring the organization’s programs and services

  • Enhancing the organization’s public image

  • Assessing its own performance as the governing body of the organization

  • Ensuring legal and ethical integrity

I've been a JAWS member since 1993, a current board member and past president.  In my past year on the board, I've focused on making the organization more transparent and open to members' points of view.  I've also collaborated on efforts to get our basic functions in order, with a new board code of conduct, ethics policy, bylaws and other boring-but-important policies. I want to help JAWS survive the current financial crisis, as we've survived many crises before. We can do this with integrity, thoughtfulness and honesty. Our founding principles are important, but more important is ensuring that we serve the needs of those who are working in journalism now and in the future.  

I'm retired after 20 years as a reporter at the Washington Post, having previously worked at newspapers and websites in California, Montana, Florida, Illinois and Wisconsin. I live now in Chicago and thanks to JAWS friends, I've done some part-time editing and teaching at small startups here. I've found some of my best friends through JAWS and I want to help others find those friendships and deep support that we value. 

Individual Board Member Expectations

  • Sign an annual conflict-of-interest disclosure and update it during the year if necessary, as well as disclose potential conflicts before meetings and actual conflicts during meetings 

  • Uphold the legal duties and laws regarding nonprofit governance

  • Follow the organization’s bylaws, policies and board resolutions

    Attend the annual conference, pay membership dues and fees, give a meaningful personal donation, and make attending all Board meetings a priority

  • Faithfully read and understand the organization’s financial statements and board materials in advance of meetings

  • Fully engage in identifying and securing the financial resources and partnerships necessary for the organization to advance its mission

  • Know the organization’s mission, policies, programs, and needs as well as understand its collective purpose

  • Maintain confidentiality about all internal matters of the organization

  • Actively participate in JAWS’ strategic planning and fund development efforts to ensure the long-term financial health of the organization

  • Attend and support JAWS functions, activities and events

  • Act as a champion and promoter of JAWS internally and externally

  • Model the collegiality and deportment expected by all members, as described in the JAWS Code of Conduct

  • Serve on committees as requested or appointed by the president 

  • Prioritize respectful and cordial relationships with the executive director and staff, recognizing their responsibilities to manage and implement the policies set by the board