Sign up for JAWS next Wednesday Webinar on July 28: SPJ's Facebook for Journalists

J. Kyle Foster, Facebook for Journalism trainer, JAWS interim communications and community manager, freelance journalist

Facebook for Journalists is a Society of Professional Journalists training program in partnership with Facebook, and JAWS is bringing this program to you this month. Join trainer and journalist J. Kyle Foster Wednesday July 28 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. ET for this workshop aimed at teaching the ways Facebook tools can help create and share incredible works of journalism, as well as engaging the public in the stories about their communities.

In 2018, the Facebook Journalism Project partnered with SPJ to train a network of professionals to teach Facebook tools for journalists at conferences, workshops and newsrooms around the country.


JAWS President Named Dean of the School of Journalism and Graphic Communication at FAMU


Congratulations, journalism grads, and thanks for choosing a career in journalism!