The Journalism & Women Symposium is in its 39th year of advancing the professional empowerment and personal growth of women in journalism and advocating for more inclusive coverage of the diverse experiences and cultures that comprise our society. We believe that by advancing women in journalism, we transform the world.

We are a powerful network of women committed to supporting one another with the friendship, knowledge, tools and career advice we need to succeed at every stage of our careers.

We hold an annual conference, regional meetings, online trainings and robust dialogue throughout the year. We believe in paying it forward.

We partner with other journalism diversity organizations to hold the evolving world of journalism to its own highest standards of inclusive and equitable staffing and reporting, for women and for other historically underrepresented groups.

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  • We must speak up for those susceptible to industry harm — women journalists facing discrimination because of age, race, gender, motherhood or some other marginalized identity.

  • We must call attention to the expertise and excellence of women in our ranks. Despite some gains by women in hiring and promotion, research shows that men still dominate in every part of the news and digital media.

  • We must be a haven for women facing professional and personal challenges, seeking advice and encouragement not readily found elsewhere.